Saturday 31 May 2014

Fifth and Sixth Squares . . .

Done is about all I can say.  Two more clues to come and I'm ready to start something else.  I liked Square #5 which were mini-bobbles. The pattern was easy and fun to knit and it worked well with my variegated yarn.

But I really struggled with doing something interesting with Square #6 - Doughnuts.  These little cables don't show up that great with variegated yarn though.

So in the end I did a motley bunch of squares.  I have no idea if this is all going to work; I think I'm relying heavily on finding the perfect co-ordinating trim colour to pull it all together.  We'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

life ldc said...

I keep telling myself...2 more weeks! Your afghan is going to be gorgeous! Hang in there!